A new paradigm for studying expertise?  Osu! is a free rhythm game that uses the mouse instead of the keyboard.  It’s pretty hard, but some people get pretty good at it:


The game itself is available here: http://osu.ppy.sh/

It has potential value for introspection during skill learning, I think.  If you practice a specific “map” until you beat it, you’ll definitely notice that you’re getting better via skill learning.  But there is also a powerful sense of familiarity — you definitely feel like you recognize the sequence as you repeat it.  The memory system theory question is: is that conscious memory contributing to learning or is it epiphenomenal?

P.S. It’s mildly tricky to get running.  You have to download and install the executable, create an account on their site, then you can browse and download specific maps to try to play.  Also fair warning: much of the music is horrible.